4R75E Transmission Upgrades
The 4R75E is a transmission system used mainly in Ford F-150 series pick-up trucks and vans, but it is also applicable in Lincoln and Mercury vehicles.
Running into 4R75E transmission problems is pretty common, including slipping and losing forward gears and power, intermediate clutch failure, pump noise, front seal leaks, etc.
You can address these issues by installing 4R75E transmission upgrades using different parts and kits.

4R75E Transmission Upgrades and Kits
Which parts can you upgrade?
Depending on what you want to achieve and how much you are willing to spend, there are over a dozen essential parts that you can upgrade on a 4R75E transmission.
That being said, here are some of the parts you can upgrade on your 4R75E transmission:
- A new direct clutch and intermediate clutch pack.
- New or rebuilt pressure regulator valve, boost valve, bypass converter clutch sleeve, and plunger, which would eliminate delayed engagement and soft shifting.
- A remanufactured torque converter with better sealing against leaking, improved balance, and concentricity. This also prevents vibration and premature bushing wear.
- A new servo pin sleeve for easier and smoother sliding.
- A new direct clutch drum and shaft kit.
- A remanufactured or new pump with better quality bore bushings to improve cooling, durability, and flow.
- Install a third plate on the separator plate to prevent direct failure of the clutch.
- New solenoid for increased pressure control.
- Updated accumulator pistons to prevent premature clutch failure and harsh shifting.
Upgrade and rebuild kits
When you install 4R75E transmission upgrades, you will find that mostly two upgrade/rebuild kits are available: a standard and a high-performance kit.
Standard rebuild kits
Standard rebuild kits include parts like:
- Friction clutch plates
- Fluid filter
- Pump bushing
- Extension housing bushing
- Overhaul gasket set
- Overdrive band
- Reverse band
- Steel plates
- Rubber seals and gaskets
To these standard parts, you can add other compatible upgrades like a shift kit, rubber accumulator piston kit, valve body separator plate, overdrive servo, torque converter, and new Torrington bearings.
Standard rebuild kits include clutch plates with high-quality friction material to improve shifts and reduce stress.
Improved friction keeps the components cooler and prolongs the life of the transmission while giving the vehicle a higher torque capacity.
High-performance rebuild kits
High-performance kits often include the same parts, except for the higher built quality of the clutches and the steel plates.
For an all-in-one 4R75E rebuild kit that includes all the essentials (and gets great customer reviews), check out Remco’s Super Master Rebuild Kit.
The Upgrade Process
Rebuilding and upgrading a 4R75E transmission is a delicate process. It involves a complete understanding of the transmission and all of its parts.
Automatic transmissions have a different way of operating when compared to manual ones, as they include a torque converter and planetary gears with a completely different assembly.
If you want to perform the 4R75E transmission upgrades yourself, watch and follow these YouTube video series which comprehensively explain the rebuild and upgrade process.