Best 4R75E Rebuild Kits

Best 4R75E Rebuild Kits

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The 4R75E is a highly reliable transmission. It is a successor of the 4R70W and features a turbine speed sensor and a more powerful microprocessor. These are significant improvements that make it even lighter than the 4R70W.

However, when your 4R75E starts to break down, you can choose two options. You can have it refurbished or remanufactured. 

Refurbishing mostly means cleaning and using the same OEM (original equipment) parts, while remanufacturing means installing new, aftermarket parts from special rebuild kits.

This article aims to help you choose one of the best 4R75E rebuild kits so that you can completely remanufacture your transmission and prolong its longevity.

Best 4R75E Rebuild Kits

Best 4R75E Rebuild Kits

We will start our list with two 4R75E rebuild kits from Raybestos.

Ford 4R75E Master Rebuild Kit

Ford 4R75E Master Rebuild Kit

This is the simpler master rebuild kit for the 4R75E Ford transmission, and it includes components like a complete set of friction clutch plates and an overhaul set of gaskets and seals.

What’s notable about this master rebuild kit are the Raybestos friction clutch plates. They are designed to deliver superior performance and be more durable than OEM parts. 

The hybrid technology used to manufacture these plates, combined with their unique groove pattern, make them highly durable and long-lasting. This also increases the transmission’s torque output and heat resistance.

The price of this kit is around $300, plus additional expenses. It’s available on Amazon here.

Ford 4R75E Super Rebuild Kit

Ford 4R75E Rebuild Kit by Raybestos

The second kit by Raybestos is a Super Rebuild Kit. It includes more parts than the previous one and is a kit for a complete overhaul of the 4R75E transmission. 

Besides the hybrid technology Raybestos friction clutch plates, gaskets, and seals, this kit also includes:

  • A set of high-quality steel clutch plates
  • 1-2 and 2-3 accumulator pistons
  • Front Raybestos band
  • Low reverse servo cover
  • OEM quality 2WD or 4WD filter
  • Bushings and washers
  • Metal torque limiters

As you can see, this kit combines the Raybestos high-quality friction and steel clutch plates to keep the shifting smoother, the components cooler, and improve the transmission’s overall performance. 

The unique friction plates groove pattern also improves fluid flow dynamics for enhanced durability and longevity of the components.

The price of this 4R75E Super Rebuild Kit is around $400 plus expenses.

Ford 4R75E Master Banner Overhaul Set by OPT

4R75E Master Banner Overhaul Set by OPT

Unlike Raybestos, OPT (Oregon Performance Transmission) gives you much more flexibility when choosing the parts you need to rebuild your 4R75E transmission.

Their standard banner rebuild kit contains the following parts:

  • Friction clutch plates
  • Overdrive band
  • Fluid filter
  • Overhaul gasket set
  • Pump bushing and extension housing bushing

Additional parts that you can add to this rebuild kit include:

  • Steel clutch plates
  • Rubber accumulator piston kit
  • Shift correction kit
  • Valve body separator plate
  • Overdrive servo and reverse servo
  • Thrust washer set 
  • Torrington bearings
  • HD torque converter
  • Smart-tech drum
  • Solenoids, sensors, and harness
  • Assembly lube
  • A rebuild manual

The standard and the additional parts mentioned are all compatible with a 4R75E transmission found in Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury vehicles manufactured from 1992 to 2012.

The price of the standard kit is around $200. With the additional parts included, the kit is priced at about $1500.

Ford 4R75E Complete Heavy Duty Rebuild Kit by BCA Transmissions

Ford 4R75E Complete Rebuild Kit by BCA Transmissions

Automatic transmissions, like the 4R75E, are complex units that sometimes require a more significant rebuild. Because of that, we chose to include this Complete Heavy-Duty Rebuild Kit by BCA Transmissions. 

Being one of the best 4R75E rebuild kits, it contains the following parts:

  • A complete set of seals, o-rings, and gaskets
  • A bushing and bearing set
  • Metal clad seals
  • A set of selective thrust washers
  • HD overdrive and reverse bands
  • Overdrive and reverse servos
  • 1-2 accumulator piston and spring kits
  • 2-3 accumulator piston
  • One-way clutch kit
  • Filter
  • Four friction and steel plates for the intermediate clutch
  • Four friction and steel plates for the reverse clutch
  • Five friction and steel plates for the forward clutch
  • Six friction and steel plates for the direct clutch

You can also include additional components to this kit, like a hardened intermediate stub shaft, a lifetime pan gasket, an electronics kit, and a case connector.

The price of the base rebuild kit is around $450.

Ford 4R75E Heavy Duty Stage 2 Rebuild Kit by Cyclone Transmissions

Ford-4R75E Heavy-Duty Stage2 Rebuild Kit by Cyclone Transmissions

Next on our list are two heavy-duty rebuild kits for the 4R75E by Cyclone Transmissions.

This is a stage 2 heavy-duty kit for the 4R75E transmissions manufactured between 1998 and today. It comes with a complete set of Raybestos friction plates, a complete rubber and paper kit, high-energy forward and reverse bands, and a complete sealing ring kit.

The kit also has a complete bushing kit, a fluid filter, and a high-quality pan gasket. It ensures no fluid leaks below the transmission and is long-lasting compared to OEM gaskets.

Since this is a stage 2 rebuild kit, the direct and intermediate clutches are made from high-energy friction material. This ensures that they perform better and last significantly longer than OEM ones.

The Cyclone Transmissions Stage 2 rebuild kit costs $329 with a discount.

Ford 4R75E Heavy Duty Stage 3 Rebuild Kit by Cyclone Transmissions

Ford 4R75E Heavy Duty Stage3 Rebuild Kit by Cyclone Transmissions

The second kit by Cyclone Transmissions is Stage 3 and includes all the Stage 2 parts plus several Sonnax upgrades like:

  • A reverse servo piston
  • An OD servo pin
  • A Sonnax spiral locking ring kit
  • A hardened OD servo snap ring

The servo pins and rings are all known to wear and break, so the upgraded ones by Sonnax ensure that your transmission remains reliable, even under pressure.

A new direct drum is also included to prevent cracking and leaking fluid from inside the transmission.

Because of the Sonnax upgrades, this kit is more expensive than the previous one and costs $439 with a discount.

Ford AODE 4R75E Custom Rebuild Kit by Global Transmission Parts

Ford AODE 4R75E Custom Rebuild Kit by Global Transmission Parts

If you want to pick which parts go into a set manually, then the 4R75E Custom Rebuild Kit by Global Transmission Parts is the one for you. By choosing which components to add to this kit, you avoid buying parts you don’t need and overpaying too much money for the entire set.

The parts that come with the base kit include:

  • A complete overhaul set of gaskets, seals, and o-rings
  • An oil filter
  • A friction plate module
  • A front OD band

Additional parts that you can add by choice include:

  • An upgraded pan gasket
  • A steel plate module
  • A rear band
  • A complete set of bushings
  • A Torrington bearing kit
  • A thrust washer kit
  • An intermediate sprag
  • A low roller sprag
  • An HD separator plate
  • An accumulator and servo piston kit
  • 2-3 accumulator piston
  • A molded rubber intermediate clutch piston
  • A performance super servo
  • A boost valve
  • A shift skit
  • Assembly lube

All the parts are divided into categories and compatible with 4R75E transmissions from 1992 and up.

This base custom rebuild kit costs around $170 plus additional expenses.

Ford 4R75E Super Master Rebuild Kit by WIT Parts

4R75E Super Master Rebuild Kit by WIT Parts

WIT (Whatever It Takes) parts are among the industry leaders in manufacturing and delivering automatic transmission parts. They offer high-quality products and superior service, and their rebuild kits only contain premium components.

This Super Master Rebuild Kit by WIT includes the following components:

  • An overhaul kit complete with a set of gaskets, seals, o-rings, sealing rings, lip seals, and rubber components
  • A Raybestos friction module set
  • A Raybestos steel module set
  • A bonded piston set
  • A bushing kit
  • A washer set
  • A 2WD or 4WD Filter

You can order this kit from Etsy for the price of $300, with an additional delivery cost that may vary depending on your location.

Ford 4R75E Sure Cure Kit by Sonnax

4R75E Sure Cure Kit by Sonnax

The Sure Cure Kit by Sonnax is specially designed to help you resolve problems with your 4R75E transmission’s valve body. It contains unique, high-quality parts that help prevent transmission pressure within the converter clutch, solenoids, main line, and overdrive.

Most of the parts included in this Sure Cure Kit are oversized. This means they are more resistant to wear and tear and will last significantly longer than OEM parts. 

The parts included also address issues like forward and direct clutch failure, mechanical diode failure, OD band failure, and others.

The parts included in this kit are the following:

  • 2-3 shift valve o-ring kit
  • 3-4 shift valve o-ring kit
  • Bypass clutch control valve kit
  • Retaining clip
  • Boost valve kit and pressure regulator kit
  • Overdrive servo regulator
  • Overdrive solenoid regulator valve kit
  • Input and output shaft seals (two each)
  • Valve body retainer plate kit
  • Overdrive servo pin kit
  • Eight checkballs
  • Two early and two late pump cover seals

Purchasing this kit will restore your 4R75E transmission shift quality, resolve some of the troublesome areas of the valve body, and prevent them from recurring in the future. It is designed for 4R75E transmissions manufactured from 1996 and up.

The price of this kit is $145, plus additional shipping expenses.

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